3 Surprising and Unexpected Types of Harassment in the Workplace

Harassment in the workplace isn’t anything new. Many horror stories have come out from other industries and companies where it has occurred. While stories from other industries have caused a stir, harassment continues to happen on our own.

But what actually counts as harassment in the workplace? There are a lot of gray areas even in getting a clear definition of what it is, especially if a company wants to cover its assets.

Here are the top uncommon types of harassment in the workplace you should know about.

1. Discriminatory Harassment

There are many forms of discriminatory harassment in the workplace, including race, gender, age, and disability. This type can be verbal, physical, or written. It can also be posted online or in the workplace.

It can be done by an employer, co-worker, or even a customer. Discriminatory harassment creates a hostile working environment for the victim and can cause them to feel intimidated, threatened, or humiliated. This can also lead to job loss, demotion, or transfer.

2. Sexual Harassment

There are many types of workplace harassment, but sexual harassment is one of the serious types. This type can include unwelcome sexual advances, and requests for sexual favors. Also, other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

It can occur between co-workers, supervisors, and employees, or between customers or clients and employees. Sexual harassment can be perpetrated by anyone, regardless of gender or sex. Anyone can be a victim of sexual harassment, as well.

3. Power Harassment

Power harassment is when someone is in a position of authority. This includes when a manager or supervisor, uses their power to harass an employee.

This can include making threats, requiring sexual favors, or making unwelcome sexual advances. It can be especially difficult to deal with because the victim may feel like they have no recourse. If you are being power harassed at work, it is important to speak up and get help from a trusted coworker or supervisor.

How to Stop Workplace Harassment

There is no definitive answer to the ways of stopping or preventing workplace violence. Organizational policies and procedures, job descriptions, employee training, and supervisory methods are all important tools. These can help prevent harassment from occurring in the first place.

Additionally, having an effective system in place for employees to report harassing behavior when it does occur is critical for quickly addressing and stopping any such behavior.

Keep a record of the harassment, including dates, times, and witnesses. If it escalates, you may need to contact the police.

Understanding the Different Types of Harassment in the Workplace

If you are being harassed at work, tell your harasser to stop. If the harassment doesn’t stop, talk to your human resources department or supervisor. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, talk to someone who can help, like a lawyer.

You can also file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Prevent workplace harassment by creating a respectful work environment. Be polite and professional to your coworkers.

Don’t engage in any behavior that could be perceived as harassment. If you see someone being harassed, speak up. Let the person know that you don’t tolerate workplace harassment and offer your support.

If you think this article is helpful to you in understanding the different types of harassment in the workplace, check out our other blogs!

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